
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Architecture as Tradition in the Unselfconscious Process

In my previous post, On the concept of Form (1), I mentioned how Architecture is providing viscosity, and therefore playing the role Alexander ascribed to tradition.

I've also proposed that the unselfconscious design process, which is very similar to the emergent design concept held so dearly by many agilists, requires some degree of tradition, and therefore, an underlying architecture. I've also gone so far as to propose the idea that many agile projects begin with a "traditional" architecture in mind:
Now, although some people in the XP/agile camp might disagree, refactoring is a viable solution only when the desired rate of change is slow, and only when the gap to fill is small. In other words, only when the overall architecture (or plain structure) is not challenged: maybe it's dictated by the J2EE way of doing things, or by the Company One True Way of doing things, or by the Model View Controller police, and so on. Truth is, without an overall architecture resisting change, a neverending sequence of small-scale refactoring may even have a negative large-scale impact.

In the past few days, I've been reading "The Economics of Architecture-First," by Grady Booch, IEEE Software, Sept/Oct, 2007. Here is an interesting excerpt:
Now, strict agilists might counter that an architecture-first approach is undesirable because we should allow a system's architecture to emerge over time. On the one hand, they're absolutely correct: a system's architecture is simply the name we give to the artifact that results from the many local design decisions made over a software-intensive system's lifetime. On the other hand, they're wrong: agile projects often start out assuming a given platform and environmental context together with a set of proven design patterns for that domain, all of which represent architectural decisions in a very real sense.

I could almost call this synchronicity :-).

For more on emergent architecture (or structure), see my now-old post Infrastructure and Superstructure.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Process as the company's homeostatic system

I was learning about EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption) a few weeks ago, for no particular reason (as I often do :-). If you ever exercised at medium-to-high intensity, you've probably experienced EPOC: after you stop training, your oxygen intake stays higher than your usual resting intake for quite a while, declining over several hours.
The reason for EPOC "is the general disturbance to homeostasis brought on by exercise" (Brooks and Fahey, "Exercise physiology. Human bioenergetics and its applications", Macmillan Publishing Company, 1984).

In the next few days, inspired by different readings, I began thinking of process as the company's homeostatic system.
I've often claimed that companies have their own immune system, actively killing ideas, concepts and practices misaligned with the true nature of the company ("true" as opposed to, for instance, a theoretical statement of the company's values).
However, the homeostatic system has a different purpose, as it is basically designed to (wikipedia quote) "allow an organism to function effectively in a broad range of environmental conditions". Once you replace "organism" with "team", this becomes the best definition of a good development process that I've ever (or never :-) been able to formulate.

It is interesting to understand that the homeostatic system is very sophisticated. It works smoothly, but can leverage several different strategies to adapt to different external conditions. In fact, when good old Gerald Weinberg classified company's cultural patterns on the 1-5 scale, he called level-2 companies "Routine" (as they always use the same approach, without much care for context), level-3 "Steering" (dynamically picking a routine from a larger repertoire) and level-4 "Anticipating" (you figure :-). Of course, any company using the same process every time, no matter the process (Waterfall, RUP-inspired, XP, whatever), is at level 2.

For instance, if we find ourselves working with stakeholders with highly conflicting requirements and we don't apply a more "formal" process based on the initial assessment of viewpoints and concerns (see, for instance, my posts Value and Priorities and Requirements and Viewpoints for a few references) because "we usually gather users stories, implement, and get feedback quickly", then we're stuck in a Routine culture. Of course, if we always apply the viewpoints, we're stuck in a Routine culture too.

Well, there would be much more to say, especially about contingent methodologies and about congruency (another of Weinberg's favorite concepts) between company's process and company's strategy, but time is up again, so I'll leave you with a question. We all know that some physical activity is good for our health. Although high-intensity exercises bring disturbance to homeostasis, in the end we get a better homeostatic system. So the question is, if process is the company's homeostatic system, what is the equivalent of good training? How do we bring a dose of periodic, healthy disturbance to make our process stronger?