
Monday, July 30, 2012

No Controller, Episode 3: Inglorious Objekts

A week ago or so, Ralf Westphal published yet another critique of my post on living without a controller. He also proposed a different design method and therefore a different design. We also exchanged a couple of emails.

Now, I'm not really interested in "defending" my solution, because the spirit of the post was not to show the "perfect solution", but simply how objects could solve a realistic "control" problem without needing a centralized controller.

However, on one side Ralf is misrepresenting my work to the point where I have to say something, and on the other, it's an interesting chance to talk a bit more about software design.

So, if you haven't read my post on the controller, I would suggest you take some time and do so. There is also an episode 2, because that post has been criticized before, but you may want to postpone reading that and spend some time reading Ralf's post instead.

In the end, what I consider most interesting about Ralf's approach is the adoption of a rule-based approach, although he's omitting a lot of necessary details. So after as little fight as possible :-), I'll turn this into a chance to discuss rules and their role in OOD, because guess what, I'm using rules too when I see a good fit.

I'll switch to a more conversational structure, so in what follows "you" stands for "Ralf", and when I quote him, it's in green.

Monday, July 02, 2012

Life without Stupid Objects, Episode 1

So, this is not, strictly speaking, the next post to the previous post. Along the road, I realized I was using a certain style in the little code I wanted to show, and that it wasn't the style most people use, and that it would be distracting to explain that style while trying to communicate a much more important concept. 

So this post is about persistence and a way of writing repositories. Or it is about avoiding objects with no methods and mappers between stupid objects. Or it is about layered architectures and what constitutes a good layer, and why we shouldn't pretend we have a layered architecture when we don't. Or it is about applied physics of software, understanding our material (software) and what we can really do with it. Or why we should avoid guru-driven programming. You choose; either way, I hope you'll find it interesting.